Our Community

We are proud to be members of the 48214 zip code, and desire to see our community transformed spiritually and physically.

Before Jesus ascended into heaven after His resurrection, he told his disciples: "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) This verse forms our theological mindset in having an emphasis on our local community in ministry. We desire to see all communities transformed and we begin with our own. Out of that comes a missional expression to other areas that hopefully will reach the world.

Our zip code is beautiful, diverse, and not yet fully reached. We desire to engage and reform the quality of life for this zip code and then flow into other areas.

We find beauty in community and life beyond a Sunday experience. Proximity helps us with being able to love one another and sharpen one another. Having an emphasis on the 48214 zip code is a big part of being able to not just worship together but also do life together.

If you already live on the block, we would love to have you join our church community. If you don't live in our community, we're inviting you to come do life with us to get the full Mack Ave experience.